Bill Princell

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I'm using the GA612 airfoil and just finished fabricating my cabane struts this afternoon. They are going to the weld shop in the morning. Bill Rewey, who I bought the full size GA612 rib drawing from, told me last summer at Brodhead, to make the rear cabanes 1" shorter than the front ones. A couple of weeks ago Bill Church who has an engineering background posted information on this list, stating that he had calculated the actual difference in length to be 11/16" between the longer front cabanes and the rear ones. I went with Bill's dimensions. I guess if I find out later that I screwed up, I can always use Lowell's spacer suggestion.


Started a complete rebuild and design upgrade of N10837 on 6-05 which had been severally damaged in a central Texas landing accident.

My project is a Piet/Grega hybrid with an oversize fuselage (plus 2" wide and 3" deep) and a 44" wide wing center section.

Removed and sold original Subaru EA81 engine - Rebuilt a 1965 Corvair Engine w/William Wynne conversion parts and a Dan's 5th Bearing. Engine ran at CC#20 held in Michigan on weekend of June 3, 2011.

New wings and center section build and completed using Riblett 612 airfoil with continuous aileron hinges. Made 4 new Cabane struts w/support cables.

New fin/rudder and elevator/stabilizer w/push/pull rod control system and a continuous (no gap) hinge system. Made 8 new support cables w/turnbuckles.

Cockpit interiors completed. New aluminum instrument panel completed w/new steam gauges installed. All new electrical system and wiring installed.

New Cub type gear w/6:00x6 wheels and tires and disc type brakes.

New engine mount for Corvair engine built and installed.

All metal surfaces have been powder coated.

Will start fabric covering this fall using Stewart Systems process w/Latex paint. Using light weight fabric and w/medium weight fabric on upper surface of wings.

Hope to complete and first flight in 2014.