Dan Helsper

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piet wing-fuel tank.JPG (73487 bytes)piet wing.JPG (78772 bytes)plumb bobs front and rear.jpg (2018932 bytes)Dan's plane 007.jpg (156817 bytes)plumb bobs front and rear.jpg (2018932 bytes)

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Dan's plane 010.jpg (154755 bytes)Dan's plane 003.jpg (153080 bytes)Dan's plane 004.jpg (154321 bytes)Dan's plane 005.jpg (144198 bytes)

Dan's plane 001.jpg (143281 bytes)Dan's plane 011.jpg (133633 bytes)Dan's plane 002.jpg (142650 bytes)



wing painting stand 040.JPG (159929 bytes)Final version wing stand 001.JPG (150243 bytes)Final version wing stand 002.JPG (148783 bytes)Final version wing stand 003.JPG (154011 bytes)Final version wing stand 004.JPG (158770 bytes)Final version wing stand 005.JPG (151046 bytes)Final version wing stand 006.JPG (164757 bytes)Final version wing stand 007.JPG (151143 bytes)Final version wing stand 008.JPG (162786 bytes)Final version wing stand 009.JPG (153633 bytes)

Final version wing stand 010.JPG (142814 bytes)Final version wing stand 011.JPG (134804 bytes)Final version wing stand 012.JPG (162367 bytes)Final version wing stand 013.JPG (133098 bytes)Final version wing stand 014.JPG (119245 bytes)Final version wing stand 015.JPG (138281 bytes)Final version wing stand 016.JPG (149671 bytes)Final version wing stand 017.JPG (145203 bytes)Piet wing stand 013.JPG (160120 bytes)Piet wing stand 014.JPG (159770 bytes)

Piet wing stand 015.JPG (154406 bytes)Piet wing stand 016.JPG (159455 bytes)wing painting stand 037.JPG (148156 bytes)wing painting stand 038.JPG (156888 bytes)wing painting stand 039.JPG (150849 bytes)

dscf0265.jpg (79556 bytes)Coaming 2 003.JPG (162680 bytes)Cockpit coaming leather padding 029.JPG (156665 bytes)Dan in Piet, coaming leather.JPG (47980 bytes)dscf0229.jpg (70704 bytes)dscf0232.jpg (76423 bytes)dscf0233.jpg (40651 bytes)

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2-10-09 034.JPG (156938 bytes)2-10-09 035.JPG (141111 bytes)2-10-09 027.JPG (150696 bytes)

I used the alum struts like Larry Williams. The aluminum insert is 7075 aluminum that 
I got from Mcmastercarr.com. The bottom fitting is the same 7075 insert, that 
I tapped for J-3 forked wing strut fitting (ACS or Wag Aero?). Inserts are bolted 
through the strut with 1/4" bolts.
Dan Helsper



NX929DH 001.JPG (151649 bytes)NX929DH 002.JPG (143752 bytes)NX929DH 003.JPG (161965 bytes)NX929DH 004.JPG (156732 bytes)NX929DH 005.JPG (151080 bytes)NX929DH 006.JPG (154980 bytes)
NX929DH 007.JPG (163391 bytes)Piet complete 6-7-10 029.JPG (142054 bytes)Piet complete 6-7-10 030.JPG (141153 bytes)Piet complete 6-7-10 031.JPG (151242 bytes)Piet complete 6-7-10 033.JPG (151156 bytes)Piet complete 6-7-10 036.JPG (162915 bytes)Piet complete 6-7-10 037.JPG (161734 bytes)

 For my cowling I used .032 thick 3003. Worked very well. I hammered in some bumps and louvers very easily. The stuff is sufficiently soft and has held up very well so far.

Dan Helsper