Mike Cuy 2

Mike Cuy 2
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Mike Cuy 2
Mike Cuy 3


Pictures Added 9/25/09

gear bottom and bungees 6 ft. of .5 in diam each side.jpg (1227310 bytes)gear fitting inside and X cable bracing.jpg (1095228 bytes)1020012.JPG (1235560 bytes)aileron down position.jpg (1170255 bytes)aileron full left position stop.jpg (1293546 bytes)aileron piano hinge, aluminum extruded Wicks or ACS.jpg (1184528 bytes)aileron right.jpg (924177 bytes)aileron stops adjustable & seat belt anchor blocks and plywo.jpg (1312801 bytes)aileron up.jpg (1162818 bytes)ailerons.jpg (1213438 bytes)ailerons from end.jpg (1228896 bytes)airspeed tubing coming out of bottom of RR cabane to ASI.jpg (1354741 bytes)

anti torque while braking method.jpg (1089987 bytes)axel position.jpg (1272061 bytes)belly by LF gear leg.jpg (1124637 bytes)belly door, bellcrank w trim horns.jpg (1678702 bytes)brakes Coment go-kart type and home made disc.jpg (1228406 bytes)cabane and jury struts from below.jpg (1158055 bytes)cabane brace cables and aileron cables.jpg (1145103 bytes)cabane to fuselage fitting.jpg (1318588 bytes)cabanes from under left wing view.jpg (1193676 bytes)Carb heat, fuel shutoff, tach cable, smoke oil tube.jpg (1308226 bytes)center section aft storage area behind aileron cable bay.jpg (1181372 bytes)

center section ailer cable approx exit point.jpg (1262399 bytes)center section ailer exit pic.jpg (1153215 bytes)center section aileron cable protection ply sheet velcroe'd .JPG (1155238 bytes)center section aileron cables pully guard & velcro tabs.jpg (1218939 bytes)center section alum cover alum hinge detail.jpg (1483381 bytes)center section baggage area.jpg (942853 bytes)center section baggage latch catches.jpg (1048668 bytes)center section hinge.jpg (1231146 bytes)center section more.jpg (1226366 bytes)center section pully detail.jpg (1234129 bytes)center section w handhold and .025 alum baggage area cover a.jpg (1093560 bytes)control stick assy overall view.jpg (1236047 bytes)

control stick pilot seat.jpg (1349239 bytes)cowl Aeronca stainless stacks and carb heat muff (chromed al.jpg (1353283 bytes)cowl carb detail.jpg (1150103 bytes)cowl carb detail more.jpg (1225189 bytes)cowl carb more.jpg (1162520 bytes)cowl firewall gascolator and breather tube.jpg (1203365 bytes)cowl firewall pins to hold cowl in place.jpg (1123732 bytes)cowl left side view.jpg (1256592 bytes)cowl louvers 000 soft .025 alum .jpg (1393179 bytes)cowl more carb.jpg (1080518 bytes)cowl more gascolator oil breather.jpg (1188146 bytes)cowl nosebowl and cooling eyebrows (homemade 000 .025 alum).jpg (1237847 bytes)

cowl nosebowl view.jpg (1115771 bytes)cowl split alum hidden hinge pinned together.jpg (1287773 bytes)cowl split at nosebowl.jpg (1160900 bytes)cowl split at nosebowl area.jpg (1162367 bytes)diagonal strut to cabane detail.jpg (1202169 bytes)diagonal strut to fuselage fitting.jpg (1399384 bytes)Dons Day Mike waiting for takeoff turn.jpg (399015 bytes)elev cables, nylon (from winshield washer fluid bottle) prot.jpg (1204206 bytes)elevator stop strap (4130 steel) full down.jpg (1374745 bytes)elevator stop strap full up.jpg (1272900 bytes)engine and fuel controls sans throttle.jpg (1327096 bytes)finger pull detil behind storage door.jpg (1361547 bytes)

finger pull ring for storage area.jpg (1219449 bytes)front control stick.jpg (1319954 bytes)front control stick beveled ply mounting wedge.jpg (1783700 bytes)front floor detail.jpg (1313273 bytes)front right motor mount lower and landing gear fitting.jpg (1395755 bytes)front seat framework detail.jpg (1191030 bytes)front seat framework, rudder bar, heel brakes.jpg (1291603 bytes)front view.jpg (937856 bytes)fuel filler cap Wicks.jpg.jpg (1177629 bytes)fuel gauge two corks epoxied end-end and shellac'd.jpg (1133150 bytes)fuel tank bottom w shutoff control and fuel exit port and ho.jpg (1163996 bytes)

wingtip bow view.jpg (1327050 bytes)winshield hold down brackets.jpg (1243658 bytes)gear view and tennis shoe ! .jpg (1288241 bytes)Harlan07  IFR railroad tracks.jpg (24745 bytes)Harlan07 climbing left turn.jpg (26273 bytes)Harlan07 ready for takeoff.jpg (26294 bytes)hinged pilot seat back .25 in.ply thick.jpg (1448730 bytes)horiz stab nylon protector wrap.jpg (1247468 bytes)In hangar tires off floor for winter.jpg (1160314 bytes)instrument access door.jpg (1369905 bytes)instrument backs, right-angle tach drive airspeed tube comin.jpg (1193540 bytes)instrument door magnetic latch detail.jpg (1332174 bytes)

instrument panel.jpg (1224215 bytes)jury strut detail.jpg (1157294 bytes)jury strut to welded eye bolt in strut.jpg (1178053 bytes)jury strut to wingjpg.JPG (1082956 bytes)left rear landing gear fitting ash cross member.jpg (1273487 bytes)LF strut to fuse.jpg (1178337 bytes)lower stab to fuselage fitting.jpg (1220303 bytes)magnetic latch for storage door.jpg (1171961 bytes)map pocket & hinged seat back.jpg (1370500 bytes)Piet in hangar and front office HQ.jpg (1266333 bytes)PietBHeadfromabove.jpg (145624 bytes)Piethorses1.jpg (58388 bytes)

pitot tube simple .25 in stainless tubing into LE.jpg (1209717 bytes)RF strut to fuse from above.jpg (1468397 bytes)RF strut to fuselage.jpg (1338481 bytes)RF strut to fuselage from below.jpg (1309006 bytes)RF strut to wing.jpg (1033531 bytes)right rear landing gear fitting and ash cross member.jpg (1258403 bytes)RR gear and lift strut view.jpg (1305531 bytes)RR lift strut and gear fitting junction.jpg (1266935 bytes)RR strut to wing.jpg (1073230 bytes)RR strut to wing view.jpg (1126972 bytes)rudder bar end connections to threaded 4130 rod to front ped.jpg (1147795 bytes)rudder bar stop right side.jpg (1250532 bytes)

rudder hinge.jpg (1195337 bytes)rudder profile.jpg (1301894 bytes)rudder stop closer.jpg (1260801 bytes)seat framework.jpg (1298688 bytes)seat framework and trim lever setup.jpg (1256624 bytes)seatback recline angle and built-up framework.jpg (1434803 bytes)seatback stiffeners from old capstrip.jpg (1252883 bytes)stab & flipper view.jpg (971450 bytes)stab hold down machine screws.jpg (1144643 bytes)static ports on asi and alt plugged w nylon fittings and sma.jpg (1189743 bytes)storage area inside stringers, stringer supports.jpg (1158859 bytes)storage door open.jpg (1271798 bytes)

storage flooring stringers.jpg (1202670 bytes)stringers turtledeck.jpg (1390069 bytes)tail brace fittings.jpg (1219272 bytes)tail cables.jpg (1310265 bytes)tail from side.jpg (749763 bytes)tailfeather fuse cable exits typical.jpg (1383468 bytes)tailspring and wheel.jpg (1432854 bytes)tailspring bolted thru stab fitting.jpg (1100546 bytes)tailspring leafs.jpg (1135117 bytes)tailview looking toward nose.JPG (1246697 bytes)tailwheel cable pully, rudder cable, and seat belt attach bl.jpg (1238385 bytes)tailwheel Homebuilders Special assy Wicks or ACS.jpg (1312808 bytes)

Tank support wood blocks at bottom.jpg (1188536 bytes)throttle 4130 rod simple guide and connection to flex contro.jpg (1338485 bytes)trailing edge.jpg (85453 bytes)trim control.jpg (1216702 bytes)trim control full down.jpg (1252837 bytes)trim control full up.jpg (1285522 bytes)trim control more.jpg (1162508 bytes)trim detail on bellcrank and belly door panel (alum sheet).jpg (922133 bytes)trim elevator cables and springs.jpg (1201885 bytes)vert stab fitting and rudder hinge.jpg (1382500 bytes)verticle stab fitting.jpg (1276081 bytes)wheel and brakes.jpg (1241691 bytes)

wheel hubs six in. wide broze bushings home made 40 spokes p.jpg (1225805 bytes)windshield alum brackets exterior.jpg (1282864 bytes)windshield bracket backside doubler of alum epoxied in place.jpg (1284080 bytes)wing by center section and wing fairings.jpg (1367689 bytes)wing inspect locations toward tip.jpg (1166223 bytes)wing inspection hole locations.jpg (1217228 bytes)wing LE view showing slight dihedral.jpg (1157068 bytes)wing root fairing measurement again.jpg (1279286 bytes)wing root fairing measurement approx.jpg (1267327 bytes)wing root fairings alum .025 small wood screws.jpg (1129353 bytes)wing setback 4 in to insure proper CG for pilot- engine wt.jpg (1198756 bytes)WingOpenBayCoverBottomOnly.jpg (41160 bytes)

airspeed tubing hidden inside cabane strut.jpg (1370564 bytes)

I ended up simply sticking a piece of ¼” stainless steel tubing thru a hole in the leading edge of my wing and connecting it inside the wing with poly tubing and fittings from Wicks sold for the purpose of being used in routing airspeed and pitot/static lines.       Don’t bother running static lines—you don’t need them in an open cockpit airplane.   Just plug the ASI and altimeter static ports with a pipe plug and drill a tiny hole in the plug to let the instrument vent slightly.  Whala.

 Also to hide my air speed line coming down from the inside of the wing I just ran it down the inside of the right rear cabanestrut into the instrument panel bay.   

   Mike C.

My Pietenpol wing is rigged to have 3/8" washout at the aft end of the 3rd rib in from the end of each wing. Much like a J-3's washout or Aeronca Champ's washout are set at. My ailerons were rigged to each have about 3/16" to a 1/4" droop on the ground with stick neutral. The older IA's at my field who helped me said this practice was commonplace on Cubs to DC-3's and the idea is that during level cruise the airflow over the wings pushes the ailerons up to the neutral position taking out the bit of normal play in the aileron cable system. I believe my dihedral is about an inch at the wingtips. What I've found on my Piet is that an improperly rigged (twisted) horizontal stabilizer can make you think you have a wing (roll tendency) rigging issue. You can even have one elevator rigged a little higher or lower than the other and it makes like a wing issue so sorting these things out in your flight test period is helpful in whiling away the hours in your practice area.

My Uncle Tony Bingelis (there not really related but sometime I think Mike wishes he was.  Mike really recomends the Bingelis airplane construction books available from the EAA ) has some excellent passages about rigging and flight testing our airplanes to get them to fly as hands-off and cleanly (there's a word you don't hear too often associated with Pietenpols) as possible and this relates to gentle and straightforward stalling characteristics as well.

The Piets I have flown with no dihedral fly just great but for hands off, folding charts, reaching down for wayward sunglasses on the cockpit floor in flight kind of times the ones with a little dihedral don't wander as much in roll.

Mike C.